Skip Your Payment
The Skip-A-Payment program allows you to skip one monthly loan payment per calendar year. Some restrictions may apply.*
Apply now for a Skip-A-Payment. The link below will allow you to send an electronically signed Skip-A-Pay application to White Rose Credit Union. You will be required to answer a few identity verification questions and will need your loan account information to complete the Skip-A-Pay application.
You may also visit a White Rose Credit Union location or call a member service representative at (717) 755-9773 to assist you with a Skip-A-Pay application.
We are proud to offer personalized service. Speak to any of our representatives to learn more about our loan products and discuss your goals at no cost.
When White Rose Credit Union has approved a Skip-a-Payment application, White Rose Credit Union will skip the next monthly payment due on your loan if payment is due monthly or the appropriate number of payments if your payment frequency is not monthly.
All applications must be completed in its entirety. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
A member must complete a Skip-A-Pay application for each loan they wish to skip a payment.
There is a $25 fee for each qualified Skip-a-Payment. The fee may be withdrawn from your White Rose account, paid by cash, or by check made payable to White Rose Credit Union. Please do not mail cash.
- Payroll deduction/direct deposit – Amount of loan payment will remain in your White Rose savings or checking account.
- Monthly transfer from White Rose savings/checking – Your automatic payment will not be transferred to your loan on the skipped month; your payment will remain in your White Rose savings or checking account.
- Electronic withdraw from another financial institution – Payment will still be withdrawn from your other financial institution and deposited into your White Rose savings account for month skipped.
One Skip-a-Payment option per loan is permitted per calendar year up to five years. Skip-a-Payment cannot be used for two consecutive months on the same loan.
It will be extended to allow you to pay your skipped payment at the end of your loan. Please note that interest will continue to accrue at your normal contract rate on your unpaid loan balance during the skipped period but you will not owe a late charge for skipping your payment. In addition, all other terms and provisions of your loan will remain the same.

*Application must be received 5 days prior to loan payment due date requested. $25 fee applies for all qualified Skip-A-Payments. Limit One Skip-A-Pay per calendar year. You loan must be in good standing. Please note that Home Equity Loans, Home Equity Lines of Credit, VISA® Credit Cards, and loans newer than 3 months DO NOT qualify. White Rose Credit Union has the right to accept or deny Skip-a-Payment requests at our discretion.